Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Antibiotic Susceptibility Patterns and Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL) production in Enterobactericeae Isolated from Stool Samples of HIV and AIDS Patients in Ibadan, Nigeria

Background and Objectives: Abuse and indiscriminate use of antibiotics, prolong hospital admission, travel history, organ transplants, immunocompromised conditions and age are parts of the factors that contribute to development of antibiotic resistance and intestinal carriage of Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamases (ESBL) Enterobacteriaceae. These bacteria affect the course and outcome of an infection and continue to pose a challenge to infection management worldwide. This study was carried out ...

Antibiogram and Detection of Metallo-Beta-Lactamase Producing Klebsiella Species Isolated from Poultry Feaces in Owo Metropolis with its Legal Critics.

Beta-lactamase enzymes e.g. metallo β-lactamases (MBLs) that produces Gram-negative bacteria is no doubt one of the widely spread resistance strategies which was geared by these group of bacteria towards β-lactam drugs. MBLs hydrolyzes bacteria and resist carbapenems. This study aimed at determining the antibiogram and the production of MBLs by Klebsiella species from poultry feaces in Owo metropolis. From Poultry feaces aseptically collected Klebsiella species was isolated using MacConkey ...

Prevalence and antibiogram of pseudomonas species isolated from selected African catfish (Clarias Gariepinus) ponds in Owo Metropolis

One of the most common sources of protein globally is catfish which are artificially reared in Nigeria. Pseudomonas species are opportunistic in nature, pathogenic Gram negative bacteria and may build multidrug resistant which can cause a serious threat to public health when present in environmental samples. This research was meant to determine the antibiogram of Pseudomonas species and its prevalence isolated from catfish ponds in Owo metropolis. The pond’s water samples were aseptically c...

Isolation, identification and antibiotic resistance pattern of Pseudomonas species isolated from poultry feaces in owo metropolis

Pseudomonas species are most available pathogenic Gram negative bacteria in environmental samples. They are resistant to several drugs, opportunistic pathogen and their presence in the environment poses threat to the public health. The ability of microorganisms to survive in the presence of antimicrobial agents at a situation that can kill or enhance their growth is known as antimicrobial resistance. This has become a serious threat globally, which makes the treatment of infections in humans ...

Isolation, identification and antimicrobial susceptibility profile of Pseudomonas species isolated from pig (Sus scrofa) feces in owo metropolis

Pseudomonas species are common pathogenic Gram negative bacteria frequently found in environmental samples. Pseudomonas species are responsible for different healthcare-associated infections and are inherently resistant to many commonly used antibiotics. This study was aimed at isolating; identifying and determining the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of Pseudomonas species isolated from pig feaces in Owo metropolis. Freshly passed feacal samples were aseptically collected from apparentl...

Antibiogram and Detection of Metallo-β-Lactamase Producing Escherichia coli Isolated From Cow Dung in Owo Metropolis

This study was carried out to determine the antibiotic susceptibility profile and the production of metallo-β-lactamase (MBL) by Escherichia coli isolated from cow dung in Owo metropolis. The isolation of Escherichia coli was done using MacConkey agar and Eosin Methylene Blue Agar and was conventionally characterized. Antimicrobial susceptibility test of the isolates were by disc diffusion method against ceftazidime (30 μg), cefuroxime (30 μg), gentamicin (10 μg), cefixime (5 μg), ofloxa...

Influence of Instructional Practices on Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Mathematics

Abstract Mathematics is a key subject which students cannot avoid if they have to lead a bright future. Despite the introduction and implementation of different teaching methods and strategies suggested by researchers the achievement of students in mathematics at school level has persistently been poor, hence the need to explore the influence of different instructional approaches. The purpose of this study was to find out the extent to which instructional practices influenced students’ ach...


Plants have been utilized for medicinal reasons since the dawn of time. Pharmacologists and organic chemists have synthesized a wide range of intriguing chemical compounds from medicinal plants in recent decades, which have shown to be quite useful in the practice of optometry and medicine. There is now an increase in global demand for the use of herbal medicines due to enhanced laboratory research and the pharmacological characteristics of bioactivities from natural sources and their potenti...

Enhanced Brain Tumor Image Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network with Attention Mechanism

Detecting brain tumors early is crucial for precise diagnosis and the development of effective treatment strategies, given the severity of the condition involving the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cell clusters in the brain.This research introduces an innovative Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model augmented with an attention mechanism for the classification of brain tumor images, utilizing a comprehensive dataset of 3,000 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans sourced from Kaggle. Rigo...

Computational biology in proteomics

The broad application of proteomics in different biological and medical fields, as well as the diffusion of high-throughput platforms, leads to increasing volumes of available proteomics data. Computational proteomics is the data science concerned with the identification and quantification of proteins from numerous data and the biological interpretation of their concentration changes, posttranslational modifications, interactions, and subcellular localizations. Computational proteomics is a h...

Detection of Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase Production in Escherichia coli Isolated from Cattle Faeces in Owo Metropolis

Escherichia coli which synthesize extended spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) have been implicated in severe human diseases. There is substantial evidence that cattle faeces have a role in developing and spread of multidrug-resistant pathogens, raising public health concerns. The study is aimed at detecting ESBL-producing E. coli associated with cattle faeces within Owo metropolis. Freshly passed faecal samples were taken aseptically from 9 apparently healthy cattle that were about to be sl...

Preparation of natural dyes from different plants as photosensitizer in modified SnO2 photoanode films for dye sensitized solar cell application

Abstract  The study focuses on the potential of naturally occurring dyes as photosensitizers in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). DSSCs are a type of solar cell that uses chemicals called photosensitizers to absorb energy from visible light and produce excited electrons. In 1991, Grätzel and his co-workers developed DSSCs, which have gained attention in recent years. However, the ruthenium-based compounds used as photosensitizers are expensive, and research suggests that organic dyes ...

Analysis of Simple Sequence Repeats Marker (MK190) Dervided in Capsicum Chinense JACQ. Transferability in Two Pepper Species and Diversity of Fruit Placenta Length and Type

The genus Capsicum ( sweet and hot pepper) is an incredible intra and inter-specific diversity in fruit type, color, shape, taste and biochemical content. Molecular biology techniques based on DNA analysis are being adopted in the modern study of plant breeding. The aim of this study was to assess the applicability of SSR techniques in transferability assessment and diversity of placental length and type in genus Capsicum . This study analyzed 19 accessions of Capsicum species obtained from d...

The Statistical Analysis on Road Traffic Accidents in Nigeria

ABSTRACT  Biologically, every living thing has a general property. One of these properties is movement. As a result of this movement, some hazard can occur. One of these hazards is accident. Generally, in Nigeria, the major mode of movement is by road. Road accident has become a major threat to lives of citizens of the country especially during the festive period. The increasing magnitude of fatal road traffic accident globally has been attributed to population explosion and increased leve...

A Mathematical Model for the Control of Ebola Virus Disease in Nigeria

Ebola Virus Disease is one of the deadliest infectious diseases that has increased both mortality and morbidity rates primarily on the African continent. The aim of this report is to use mathematical modeling and analysis in controlling the spread of this disease. In this study, a mathematical model which represents the transmission and control processes of Ebola Virus Disease among human and vector hosts is developed. The Well-Posedness, Equilibrium States (i.e Disease Free Equilibrium and E...

1441 - 1455 Of 8880 Results