Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Determining Global Solar Radiation Incident on Tilted Surfaces with Different Tilt Angles at the Department Of Physics Makerere University

ABSTRACT Solar radiation data at horizontal level, tilted surfaces and in the atmosphere is an important feature in solar energy applications such as photovoltaic systems for electricity generation, solar collectors for heating and passive solar devices. This study presents an investigation of the dependence of global solar radiation incident on a tilted surface on some meteorological parameters for different tilt angles based on measured meteorological data of sunshine, relative humidity and...

Teachers Utility of Outdoor Science and Technology

ABSTRACT The study assessed the level of teachers’ utilisation of outdoor science educational activities in teaching basic science and technology in Ebonyi state. The study was guided by six (6) research questions and five (5) hypotheses. The population of the study comprised all the ten thousand, five hundred and twenty six (10 526) basic science and technology teachers in Ebonyi state from which a sample of one thousand fifty six (1 056) was drawn. Six (6) researcher developed basic scien...

Utilization of Computer for Instruction in Electronics Technology in Quara State

Abstract In carrying out this study, three research questions and three null hypotheses were developed to guide the study. Descriptive survey research design was employed in selecting the respondents for the study. The study was carried out in Kwara State covering the three State Colleges of Education in Kwara State. The population for this study was 232 comprising 102 Senior lecturers (Chief Lecturer, Principal Lecturer) and 130 Junior Lecturers (Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Lecturer III and Ass...

Effect of Small - Scale Quarry Mining On Well Being of Female Quarry Workers

Abstract This study looked at the participation of women in quarry mine pits of Ebonyi state and their well-being , covering the three senatorial zones of Ebonyi north, Ebonyi central and south. In these zones, six (6) local government areas were covered. The involvement of these women at the quarry mine pits were investigated through a number of issues which include the factors that lead them to participate in the stone mine pits whether on grounds of poverty, lack of education, nearness of ...

Document Repository and Workflow System a Case Study of Parliament of Uganda

ABSTRACT The project report was undertaken in order to learn and use systems and standards for Parliamentary documents. Systems for managing documentation in digital formats can make Parliamentary operations efficient and help increase the transparency of the institution. These systems are evolving to encompass the entire lifecycle of documents from creation through management, dissemination, and long term preservation. Within these phases documents may be edited and amended by various “aut...

A Comparative Analysis of Heating Values of Saw Dust, Rice Husk and Coconut Shell in the Thermal Generation Of Electricity In Hadema Local Government, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Biomass is the major energy source in Nigeria contributing about 78% of Nigeria primary energy supply. In this work a comparative analysis of the heating values of saw dust, rice husks, and coconut shell in the thermal generation of electricity was carried out. In the study different masses of biomass were used and the corresponding electromotive force in millivolts obtained. A graph of e.m.f was plotted against mass of each biomass and a gradient was obtained. Bar graphs were plotte...

A Mathematical Model for the Transmission Dynamics of Malaria in Eastern Uganda: A case Study of Butaleja District

Abstract A deterministic mathematical model for studying the transmission dynamics of malaria in Butaleja district was developed using ordinary differential equations (ODEs) where hinnans and mosquitoes interact and infect each other. fhe model has live non - linear differential equa tions with two state variables for mosquitoes (S,~anc I,, ) and three state variables for humans (S~ I~ and A,~) The available literature on previous work in this area was reviewed. Susceptible humans (S, ) are i...

Centralised Library Management System Case Study: Management Training and Advisory

ABSTRACT This project is entitled the Library Database System covering library computerization of Management Training and Advisory Centre (MTAC) School main library. The project seeks to cater for two library sections with the highest number of users (the general circulation and research section). The researcher collected data using questionnaires, interviews and observation. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS to verify the data into simple percentage which was presented in the form o...

Analysis of Implementation of Information and Communication Technology Programs in Urban Secondary Schools. A Case of Selected Schools in Makindye Division in Kampala Uganda.

Abstract This qualitative and quantitative research set out to investigate the Analysis and Implementation ofICT in urban secondary schools in Makindye division. It is a recent activity that has brought forth a lot of interest. However, there are many challenges that hinder efficient implementation ofICT including: lack ofICT laboratories, electricity, and teachers’ skills. This study explored how these challenges affect its implementation. Out of 10 public and private secondary schools in ...

In-vivo Anti-inflammatory Activity Studies of Some P-nitrophenyl Hydrazones

The goal of this research was the discovery of newer anti-inflammatory drug. Four hydrazones with p-nitrophenyl moiety were synthesized by solvent-free and conventional synthetic methods with good to excellent yields. The synthesized hydrazones were evaluated for their anti-inflammatory activities using carrageenan-induced paw edema in mice. All the compounds indicated significant anti-inflammatory activity, demonstrating slow onset of action and longer duration of action compared to celecoxi...

Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Studies of Xylopia Aethiopica Stembark Extracts

The preliminary screening of phytochemical constituents of extracts of Xylopia aethiopica was evaluated. The n-hexane extract revealedthe presence of terpenoids, alkaloids, and steroids, while the presence of alkaloids, terpenoids, saponins, steroids, and phenolics was indicated in ethyl acetate extract, and the methanol extract contained tannins, flavonoids, phenolics, terpenoids, saponins, alkaloids, steroids. The medicinal property of the extracts was investigated using in-vitro antimicrob...

Structure-based Discovery of Multi-target Directed Anti-infammatoryp-nitrophenyl Hydrazones; Molecular docking, drug-likeness, in-silicopharmacokinetics, and toxicity studies

We designed novel p-nitrophenyl hydrazones as multi-target inhibitors of COX-2, 5-LOX, and H+/K+ ATPase in a bid to overcome side effects associated to NSAIDs and coxibs. Specifically, compounds 1-(4-nitrophenyl)-2-[(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)methylidene] hydrazine (3), 4-hydroxy-2-methyl-6-[(2-(4-nitrophenyl)hydraz-1-ylidene)methyl]thiochroman-1,1-dioxide (6), 4-methoxy-2-methyl-6-[(2-(4-nitrophenyl)hydraz-1-ylidene)methyl]thiochroman-1,1-dioxide (8), 2-methyl-6-[(2-(4-nitrophenyl)hydraz-1-ylid...

Hostel Allocation Management System. A Case Study of Kampala International University Western Campus

Abstract Hostel allocation management system is software developed to manage the various activities in hostel. The particular project deals with the problems on managing the hostel and avoids the problem that occurs when carried out manually (using pens and papers). Identification of the clrmvbacks of the existing system leads to the designing of computerized system that will be compatible to the existing system with the system that is more users friendly and more GUI oriented. This project w...

Population Growth and Youth Unemployment in Somalia (1991-2017)

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of population growth on youth unemployment in Somalia from 1991 to 2016. The specific objectives of the study was to examine the long-run relationship, causation, and effect of population growth on youth unemployment rate. The study used crosssectional and longitudinal research design for the data obtained from World Bank where stationarity test was conducted using ADF tests prior to estimation. Unemployment,Gdp growth, populatio...

A Framework For E-learning System Utilization Analysis (Case Study of Kampala I14ternational University)

ABSTRACT The advancement in Information Technology has led to changes in teaching and learning processes of many educational institutions across the globe, which provides reliable, convenient and easily accessible environment which is conducive for learning. Considering the fact that, the Kampala International University E-Learning System is in its infant stage, it is necessary to come up with a robust strategy or fi-arnework that can be deployed to monitor user activities on the E-learning p...

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