Abstract Ever since the era of internet had ushered in cloud computing, there had been increase in the demand for the unlimited data available through cloud computing for data analysis, pattern recognition and technology advancement. With this also bring the problem of scalability, efficiency and security threat. This research paper focuses on how data can be dynamically mine in real time for pattern detection in a secure cloud computing environment using combination of decision tree algorith...
Abstract: Algae Play vital role in aquatic ecosystems by forming the energy base of the food web for all aquatic organisms. Thepresent study with relation to Potential of Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Euglenineae, classes of algae carried out for Nakane Lake of Dhule district. In Maharashtra very few workers have paid attention on limnological aspects of algae from lotic & lentic water habitat. These studies of Nakane Lake were carried out during December�...
This publication seeks to identify key factors that would make remote working in Nigeria conducive for citizens that want to practice this culture. It was discovered that power supply, a stable internet connection, digital skills and organizations adhering to remote work trends are the key factors that can make remote working pleasurable. It was also discovered that remote work improves productivity and reduces overhead costs for organizations.
The project deals with automating different task of HR department. These tasks include: On-Boarding process , Off-Boarding process , Payroll cycle. Thus, allowing the members of the department to focus on more strategic initiatives for the betterment and growth of the organization. The technologies that are used in the project are: UI-Path Studio ,Orange HRM , Microsoft Excel , Microsoft Word . AbstractRPA(Robotic process automation) is software bot that automate processes ...
ABSTRACT Digital Technologies which include Cloud Computing and Mobile Applications have emerged as catalystsforrapideconomicgrowthandcitizenempowermentacrosstheglobe.Digitaltechnologies are being increasingly used by us in everyday lives from retail stores to government offices.Theyhelpustoconnectwitheachotherandalsotoshareinformationonissuesandconcerns faced by us. In some cases they also enable resolution of those issues in near real time. Digital Locker is one of the ambitious aspect...
Dogs are the most common pet animals worldwide, providing companionship, security and a source of dietary protein. Zoonotic helminthes of dogs is a global problem particularly in the developing countries and these dogs, regardless of their benefits, pose a public health risk as they are potential carriers of some pathogens. This study attempted to bridge the dearth of information on the prevalence of zoonotic helminthes of domestic dogs in Bwari Area Council and to establish some of the risk ...
Urinalysis is the physical, chemical, and microscopic examination of urine. It involves a number of tests to detect and measure various compounds that pass through the urine. This presentation will give you an insight on everything you need to know about urine. Urine Composition Urinalysis Practical Experiments Urinalysis: (Normal & Abnormal Constituents of Urine) Estimation of pH of Different Samples Qualitative Tests on Lipids: Cholesterol �...
Introduction Transcription Activator-like Effector Nucleases (Talen) Engineering Talen Constructs Transfection Mechanisms of Talen Applications of Talen Limitations of Talen Talen Precision Recommendations Conclusions Reference
Abstract Indigenous bacteria in the soil environment can produce a wide range of solvents and metabolites more efficiently. This study was carried out to screen Clostridium species isolated from the soil environment within Jos metropolis for solvent production. A total of 30 samples were collected from farmlands, nursery gardens, floral gardens and waste disposal sites. The pH, temperature and moisture content at various locations was determined. The mean temperature of the soil ranges from 1...
Social networking sites engage millions of users around the world. The users' interactions with these social sites, such as Twitter and Facebook have a tremendous impact and occasionally undesirable repercussions for daily life. The prominent social networking sites have turned into a target platform for the spammers to disperse a huge amount of irrelevant and deleterious information. Twitter, for example, has become one of the most extravagantly used platforms of all times and therefore allo...
ABSTRACT An investigation was carried out on the groundwater potentials and aquifer protective capacity of Ishiagu area, southeastern Nigeria. The study area lies within the lower Benue trough of Nigeria and is underlain by the Albian Asu River Group and the Turonian Ezeaku Shales.The methodologies employed in the study include measurements of static water levels of 15 hand dug wells, pumping tests carried out on 4 boreholes and vertical electrical sounding (VES) of 20 stations. Groundwater p...
ABSTRACT Integration of 2D geophysical methods, Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) and Induced Polarization (IP) were used to study the subsurface geology and structures around Ihe pond, Nsukka in Anambra basin. The research work has delineated the geologic structures and strata responsible for the water in the pond, and determined the origin of the Pond. Three 2D resisitivity profiles of maximum spread lengths of 500, 400 and 500m were run around the pond. Horizontal profiling, using Wenne...
ABSTRACT Skin flora refers to the microorganisms which reside on the skin many of which are bacteria. Resident bacteria can cause skin disease and enter the blood system, creating life-threatening disease, particularly in immune-suppressed people. Diseases of the skin include impetigo, boils, erysipelas, scabies, folliculitis, cellulitis etc. This present study aims at determining the antibacterial activity of various antiseptic soaps against bacterial isolates present on the skin of hoste...
ABSTRACT The consumption of Cow suya meat is on the increase because of it health benefits, it inexpensiveness compared to Goat meat, and the demand.Bacteriological analysis was carried out on 10 suya samples collected from four (4) different vendors within 4 different locations (Ekpo Abasi, Bogobiri, Yellow Duke and Abang asang). The samples were analyzed using standard bacteriological techniques. Total bacterial cell count was determined through pour plating method serial diluted to factor...
ABSTRACT Periwinkles are invertebrates belonging to the phylum Mollusca and are usually found in Creeks, lagoons and mangrove swamps. They are cheap sources of protein and they have a wide range of health benefits. The present investigation was carried out to determine the concentration of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Fe, Ca and Pb) in different species of Periwinkle (Pachymelania byronensis, Pachymelania aurita and Tympanotonus fuscatus) gotten from Jebs and Ikang creeks both of Calabar metropoli...