Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Design and Implementation of Patient Management System

Abstract This study investigated online hospital management system as a tool to revolutionize medical profession.  With many writers decrying how patients queue up for hours in order to receive medical treatment, and some end-up being attended to as „spillover‟, the analyst investigated the manual system in detail with a view to finding out the need to automate the system. Subsequently, a computer-aided  program was designed to bring about improvement in the...

Design and Implementation of Online Food Ordering System

The online food ordering system is one of the latest servicers most fast food restaurants in the western world are adopting. With this method, food is ordered online and delivered to the customer. This is made possible through the use of electronic payment system. Customers pay with their credit cards, although credit card customers can be served even before they make payment either through cash or cheque. So, the system designed in this project will enable customers go...

Design and Implementation of Online Entrance Examination (A Case Study of Caritas University Enugu)

ABSTRACT  Computers are known for their wide range of uses especially in scientific and mathematical fields.  However little or no thought has been given to designing a complete and thorough intelligence entrance examination on a computer system in ourimmediate environment. This entrance examination system is designed to assist university administration examination in attaining a standardized sample, and as  such the psychological implication of such a design is very important....

Design and Implementation of An Online Voting System

The federal republic of Nigeria comprises of 36 states, The federal capital territory (FCT), and 774 local government areas (LGAs). The country is located in west Africa and shares land borders with the republic of Benin in the west, Chad and Cameroon in the east and Niger in the north. The three largest ethnic groups in Nigeria are the Ibo, Hausa and Yoruba ethnic groups.  In Nigeria, General elections are conducted every four years, where a head of state the president and the na...

Modeling And Forecasting CAD to Naira Exchange Rate

ABSTRACT The economy of any nation is greatly dependent on the level and stability of its exchange rate, with our nation’s (Nigeria) dwindling exchange rate, exploring the trend and pattern of our exchange rate is very needful. A secondary data on monthly exchange rates from 2010 to 2020 was obtained from ExchangeRate UK was analyzed using the Box-Jenkins (ARIMA) methodology. The series was first-order differenced in order to achieve series stationarity. The results showed that ARIMA(0,1,1...

Consuming What You Produce: Perception and Consumption Habits of Cocoa-based Products by Cocoa Farmers in the Eastern Region of Ghana

Abstract In recent times, the concerns of the government of Ghana have been on the need to increase the share of locally processed cocoa by 50%. To this end, there has been efforts through campaign by Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) to whip up interest amongst Ghanaians to cultivate the habit of cocoa consumption to sustain the sector which continues to export huge raw cocoa beans with minimal value addition. The concerns are whether or not cocoa consumption by farmers has the potential to contr...

Impact of illegal small scale mining (Galamsey) on cocoa production in Atiwa district of Ghana

The mining sector is a very important segment of the extractive sector but has one of the most serious and disastrous environmental consequences; conflicting with the livelihood (especially cocoa farmers) and survival of resident communities. This study was conducted in Atiwa district of Ghana to assess farmer’s awareness of small scale illegal mining (Galamsey), its impact on cocoa production and livelihoods in the mining communities. Snowball sampling techniques were used. Data collected ...

Isolation and Identification of Bacteria in Broiler Chicken Meat Around Dar es Salaam Region

ABSTRACT Broiler chicken meat is now considered as a major fast-growing source of meat in many parts of Tanzania especially Dar es salaam. The consumers demand safe and hygienic products without contamination with pathogenic microorganisms when the production and consumption of broiler chicken meat is gradually increasing. The present study was conducted to assess the bacterial contamination of broiler chicken meat collected from different areas around Dar es salaam especially Temeke and...

Aphrodisiac Potential of Calotropis procera (Rooster Tree) Stem Aqueous Extract on Some Reproductive Markers in Male Albino Rats

ABSTRACT The trade in traditional aphrodisiacs on the street of Nigeria is at all-time high. Several types are on display or advertised by vendors. One of such is Calotropis procera. The aphrodisiac potential of Calotropis procera aqueous stem extract was investigated on some reproductive markers in matured sexually active male albino rats. Phytochemical screening was performed following standard protocols, the mineral composition determination was also carried out using standard method. A to...

Face Detection By Open CV

Machine learning has been gaining momentum over last decades: self-driving cars, efficient web search, speech and image recognition. The successful results gradually propagate into our daily live. Machine learning is a class of artificial intelligence methods, which allows the computer to operate in a self-learning mode, without being explicitly programmed. It is a very interesting and complex topic, which could drive the future of technology. Face detection is an important step in face recog...

Effect of E-Commerce on Customers' Satisfaction in Nigeria

Abstract: A whole lot of factors could affect E-commerce as regard to customers’ satisfaction. Such factors include; issues of fraud, authenticity of transaction, trust, ease of navigation through websites, options for the return of goods if customers are not satisfied, time saved, costs, conformity of goods delivered to those illustrated online, quality of the goods. In the light of these backdrops, this study investigated the effect of E-commerce on customers’ satisfaction in Nigeria. ...

Impact of Information and Communications Technology on School Administration in Nigeria Secondary Education

Abstract: The deficiencies associated with storage, preservation and presentation of large volumes of the information in paper form made managerial processes very cumbersome. Consequently, alternative methods provided by Information and Communications Technology (ICT) became very imperative. The study investigated the impact of ICT on school administration in Nigeria secondary education. Specifically, the study sought to: (1) determine the impact of ICT on student personnel management in Nig...

Effect of E-Governance Strategic Implementation on Public Service Delivery in Nigeria

The Public Sector Management in Nigeria has numerous challenges in providing effective public services, particularly in the developing economies, as these services are provided through manual working systems, with lower level of transparency and accountability. The main objective of this study is to examine the effect of e-Governance on public sector delivery in SouthEast Nigeria: focusing National Youth Service Corporations (NYSC). The specific objectives are to: (1) ascertain the effect of ...

News Aggregator Web Application

Abstract News Aggregator is a web app that collects and displays all of the latest news stories and events happening around the world in one place. It helps reduce time consumption. One other thing to do is to provide a few lines of text to summarize the article. This paper presents a system that collects news from various electronic publishers and distributors.

Investigation of Vibration Technique to Control Physical Properties of Yam Tubers (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) During Storage

Abstract Yam  tubers  loss  weight  during  storage  and  prolonged storage  can  reduce  tuber  quality  and  quantity. This study  investigated the application  of  vibration technique  for  the  control  of  physical  properties  of  yam tubers during storage.  Measurements were conducted on  the  physical properties  of  the  tubers:  weight loss,  shrinkage  of  the  middle diameter,  shrinkage  of the  length,  top  and  bottom  diameter,  on ...

2281 - 2295 Of 8880 Results