ABSTRACT This study was designed to ascertain the prevalence of Salmonella spp and Shigella spp and other species of bacteria associated with the contamination of Pachymelania aurita (Periwinkle) in different creeks in Calabar metropolis. This study was carried out in Ikang and Jebs creeks both in Cross river state, Nigeria. One hundred and eighty (180) Periwinkle samples ranging from 1.8-4.6cm in length and 1.6-3.3g in weight were purchased from both creeks. The samples were transported in ...
ABSTRACT There is a reasonable increase in the consumption of barbecue chicken meat, which is due to the it nutritional value. An investigation was conducted to isolate, characterize and identify bacteria associated with hawked barbecue chicken obtained from Calabar metropolis using basically two different agar media which are Nutrient agar and Macconkey agar. The samples were analyzed using standard microbiological methods. A total of 67 isolates were obtained from 20 samples which were got...
ABSTRACT Water is a necessity for living, and so there is a need to conduct analysis to check if it is safe or not for consumption. Bacteriological examination of water samples sourced within Ikom L.G.A, Cross River State was carried out to determine the bacterial load in the water samples and to determine the organisms that contaminates it. The samples were rain, stream, well, and pipe-borne water. They were collected within Ikom in sterile containers and transported to the Laboratory. Using...
Abstract Nowadays, big data plays a critical role in society. Big data is massive with high growth rate which is of great significance for oil and gas companies, however, a large amount of data often brings a lot of storage and management costs, such as the cost of hard disks. Here is where our application makes sense. Hence the researchers developed an application for HyperDap Ltd that filters data according to some criteria before writing into the database in order to save storage space and...
ABSTRACT Five local soaps! Duduosun, Zee, Hause Soap, Yoruba Soap and Yoruba Soap were investigated for their antibacteria activities against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus spp, Bacillus spp and Klebsiella spp. Identification of the bacteria species was by standard microbiological techniques which included Gram staining and biochemical testing/,. Minimum inhibitory and minimum bacteria activities of the soaps were determined by the disc ...
Tuberculosis is a type of chronic diseases, thus needs long term treatment. Each year, over 2 lakh people in India are affected by TB and on average around 20,000 people are infected every month in each state. According to WHO, primary statistics collated from 84 countries, approximately less than 1.4 million persons received tuberculosis (TB) treatment in 2020 than in 2019, (i.e. 21% decline from 2019). An early detection can significantly shorten the treatment period. In this study, we’ve...
This paper presents the four and five figures of Lekan (Power of base 5) and AntiLekan (Antipower of base 5) tables as a tool for mathematical computation.
ABSTRACT Human behavioral genetic research aimed at characterizing the existence and nature of genetic and environmental influences on individual differences in cognitive ability, personality and interests, and psychopathology is reviewed. Twin and adoption studies indicate that most behavioral characteristics are heritable. Nonetheless, efforts to identify the genes influencing behavior have produced a limited number of confirmed linkages or associ...
The four figures of power of base numbers tables is need to be created for easy synchronization with existing Logarithm table of power of base 10 which is working on four figures. Although the five figures of power of base numbers tables is more accurate because it is having less approximation in its establishment. The four figure tables is easy to compute doing utilization because it is having less digit to work with. This paper presents the four and five figures of Kifilideen (Power of ...
This paper will focus on proving the four fundamental equations of the backpropagation. Then I will show how to use this algorithm combined with the stochastic gradient descent technique to implement the network for recognizing the handwritten digits. Parts of the proof are provided by the author Michael Nielsen in his online book Neural Networks and Deep Learning. Meanwhile, this paper will provide more details of his proofs and some basic definitions of gradient.
This paper gives a detailed proof of Euler's theorem, which is the divergence of a series of reciprocals of the primes. The key idea of the proof is to assume the series converges and then complete the proof by contradiction.
The four figures of power of base numbers tables is need to be created for easy synchronization with existing Logarithm table of power of base 10 which is working on four figures. Although the five figures of power of base numbers tables is more accurate because it is having less approximation in its establishment. The four figure tables is easy to compute doing utilization because it is having less digit to work with. This paper presents the four and five figures of Kifilideen (Power of ...
The four figures of power of base numbers tables is need to be created for easy synchronization with existing Logarithm table of power of base 10 which is working on four figures. Although the five figures of power of base numbers tables is more accurate because it is having less approximation in its establishment. The four figure tables is easy to compute doing utilization because it is having less digit to work with. This paper presents the four and five figures of Kifilideen (Power of ...
The kinetic studies of Elais guineensis sap is of major important in determining the extent of preservation of palm wine, since production is highest in the rainy season. The effect of 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8 and 1.6% Asystasia gangeticum leaves extract (in order to inhibit the activities of microbes during fermentation of E. guineensis sap) on the rate of palm wine fermentation, using 100 mL portion of fresh palm sap was determined. The rate of fermentation is measured as the rate of carbon dioxi...
Dioscorea rotundata plant stem is an oral paste used for controlling persistence cough and hiccups in Oghe Traditional medical practices. In order to ascertain the extent of activity around its medicinal use, the anti-tussive activity and phytochemical screening of D. rotundata stem extracts were evaluated. The anti-tussive activity was studied on guinea pigs dosed with citric acid fumes. Phytochemical studies using simple chemical tests and TLC analysis were carried out on the stem extracts....