Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

A Restaurant Online Ordering System

In today’s age of fast food and take-out, majority of restaurants are now enabling customers to order food using any electronic gadget where a customer can choose to either pass-by or pick the food herself or a meal deliverer to bring it. Earlier, orders used to be done by phone and restaurants had to hire employees to answer telephone calls from each and every customer. This made the restaurant wage bill to be high thus lowering the profit margin and even potential customers tried other re...

Proximate Analysis of Processed and Unprocessed Samples for Development of Quality Composite Flour

The present investigation was carried out in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition at Mangalore University, Konaje, Mangalore (Karnataka) during 2017-18. To develop quality composite flour, ingredients like; whole wheat (Triticum aestivum), little millet (Panicum sumatrense), moth bean (Vigna aconitifolia) and mango ginger (Curcuma amada) were used. The samples were divided into two categories i.e. batch 1 consisting of washed and sundried whole wheat, little millet, moth bean and mang...

The Mycological Deterioration of Maize Stored in Different Facilities Within Enugu Metropolis

Abstract This research was carried out to study the mycological deterioration of stored maize in different storage facilities within Enugu metropolis. The study was carried out in some selected markets and homes in Enugu State, Nigeria this involved a cross-sectional study which covered four (4) different market locations (Akwata, Gariki, New market, Abakpa market and two (2) different homes (Thinkers corner and Ugwuaji) with different storage methods (storage in gallons and in kitchen chimne...

Developments on the Bioactive Compounds and Food Uses of the Tubers: Colocasia esculenta (L) Schott (Taro) and Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L) Schott (Tannia)

Two varieties of Cocoyam Colocasia esculenta (L) Schott (Taro) and Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L) Schott (Tannia) are experiencing renewed interest not only in Africa but also in the rest of the world. They are considered to be cheaper sources of carbohydrates than cereals or other bulbous crops because of their high calorie yield per hectare, low production costs, and relatively low susceptibility to insect and pest infestation. In addition to their nutritional benefits, they contain bioa...

Groundwater Potential Of Akpugo In Nkanu Area Enugu, Southeastern Nigeria

Abstract: Groundwater potential at Akpugo and environs in Nkanu West Local Government Area of Enugu State has been undertaken in order to determine the groundwater status in the area. It lies on latitudes 060 2010011N to 0602510011N and longitudes 0070 3410011 to 00703910011E with an areal extent of about 86.49km2, over three geological units. A total of Twenty-five (25) vertical electrical sounding (VES) were acquired to determine the groundwater potential of the study area. Contour variatio...

Hkay Hubs 10 PAGES (2161 WORDS) Geology Article/Essay

ABSTRACT: An intensive field mapping covering a total of nineteen locations was carried on. This study aimed at determining the geology and depositional environments of sandstone deposited within Awkunanaw and environs in Enugu area. Based on litho-facies the study area is underlain by five lithological units. Integrated granometric (textural analysis) was carried out on eight (8) friable sandstone samples collected from two locations based on their stratigraphic positions. An application of...

Hkay Hubs 27 PAGES (6785 WORDS) Geology Article/Essay
Design and Implementation of a Computer Based Payroll System

Abstract This project work ‘Design and implementation of computer based payroll system’ is aimed at creating a computer based payroll system. payroll is a critical operation for every organization to pay employee accurately their salary and enrollments on time. The idea of taking control of employees pay calculations are quite tedious if done manually and require more effort and time mainly for big organizations. Hence if this process is automated, it would be of great benefit as it would...

Fine-grained Magnetoelectric Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6–CoFe2O4 Composites Synthesized by a Straightforward One-pot Method Magnetoelectric (Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6)1-x(CoFe2O4)x (x = 0.2–0.6) composites were prepared by a one-pot softchemistry synthesis using PEG400. Calcining at 700 ◦C resulted in nanocrystalline composite powders (dcryst. = 24–30 nm) which were sintered between 1050 and 1200 ◦C to ceramic bodies with relative densities up to 98%. SEM investigations confirm the formation of composite ceramics with a 0–3 connectivity and variable grain sizes f...

The Relevance of Relevance Information Communication Technology to the Teaching of Islamic Studies In Upper Basic Schools In Asa Local Government Area

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background to the Study           This research emerge as a result of the researcher’s observation on the use of information communication technology in teaching Islamic studies in upper basics schools. The scope of the subject is very wide to be covered within the period of classroom lessons which needs the use of computer in order to have adequate knowledge about the content by the students.           Information Communication Technology has a...

Data Mining Application for Determining Student’s Academic Performance (A Case Study of Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin)

ABSTRACT The project mainly focused on developing an application for information extract or retrieval from pool of data (i.e. a large database) to form basis for decision making. Information extracted from the database in the course of data mining process can be presented in graphical format in form of graphs patterns, histogram, etc. and also in text format. The reason for suggesting the project is the need for employing computer software medium for sanitizing academic standard through compu...

Automation of Crime Record (A Case Study of Area D Division Ilorin)

ABSTACT   This Automation of crime record was developed for Recording crime for the police of Division D in Ilorin Kwara state. This system will help the Nigerian Police of providing information regarding criminals and the various activities they had carried out in the (recent) past, it also will go a long way in helping to checkmate crimes and criminals, this will also help in identifying new cases of crimes within a given locality. The application can record crime, report crime, search fo...

Edu Frontiers 69 PAGES (9053 WORDS) Physics Seminar
Proforma on Student's Academic Performance

CH INTRODUCTION 1.1       Background to the Study Instructional material is a term frequently heard and discussed among educational technologists today. Unless clearly defined, the term can alternatively mean the development of computer-based hardware and software packages produced on a mass scale and yet allow individualized use and learning. In essence, instructional materials merge multiple levels of learning into an educational tool that allows for diversity in curricula present...

Antibiotics Susceptibility Pattern of Different Bacteria Associated With Wound Sepsis (A Case Study of University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital)

TABLE OF CONTENT Tile Page                                                                                                         i Approval Page                                                                                                ii Dedication                       �...

Attitude of Teacher's to ICT use for Teaching English

  CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background to the Study   In the current era, information spreads rapidly and this makes it easy to access the information. Development of information technologies surely has a great contribution on this. Information technologies making a rapid progress especially at the end of twentieth century started to assert itself in educational field in addition to all fields (Sahin & Akeay, 2011). Integration of technology with lectures has become inevitable for effecti...

Upper Basic School Teachers’ Attitude Towards the use of Information and Communication Technology (Qubstatuict)

  CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background to the Study             The advent of Information Communication Technology (ICT), computer systems have shown that they offer great opportunities for teachers and students in various disciplines. The use of computer system enable teachers to access the necessary information on learning instructional materials through the use of internet. Computer system can be defined as the combination of hardware and software used to store the needed in...

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