Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

A Seminal Report on Economic Importance of Rusting of Iron

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Table of contents CHAPTER ONE 1.0    Introduction 1.1    Rust in History 1.2    Iron and its Properties 1.3    Definition of Rusting and Rust CHAPTER TWO 2.0    The Chemistry of Rusting 2.1    Factors that speed up Rusting 2.2    Protection from Rusting CHAPTER THREE    3.0    Methods of removing Rust on iron 3.1    Economic importance of Rusting of iron 3.2    Conclusion 3.3    References CHAPTER ONE 1.0   Introduction Ru...

Edu Frontiers 15 PAGES (2161 WORDS) Chemistry Seminar
Effect of Teachers Qualification on the Secondary School Students Performance in Geography in External Examination in Kajola Local Government

ABSTRACT This research work was set out to investigate the effect of teachers’ qualification on the secondary school students’ performance in Geography in External examination Kajola local government area of Oyo State. The variable considered are qualified and unqualified teacher to measure students academic performance. Qualified Geography Teachers: These are the teachers who possesses          professional certificate [B.ED] in geography, NCE in geography B.Sc geography with P...

Edu Frontiers 26 PAGES (9216 WORDS) Geography Project
Physico-Chemical Investigation on Dumpsite Leachate in Ilorin Metropolis

CHAPTER ONE 1.0       INTRODUCTION 1.1       Background of the study The municipal solid waste dumpsite (MSWD) examined is located at sawmill, okefomo and irewolede at yidi road street and within Ilorin Metropolis Kwara State. The dumpsites examined contain both biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials of all sorts. The different waste materials may contain different physical, chemical and biochemical properties. In the presence of atmospheric water, high temperature and hi...

Edu Frontiers 59 PAGES (11408 WORDS) Physics Seminar

This paper proposes an Embedded Arduino Automatic Irrigation-Control System (EAAICS), which monitors and maintains the desired soil moisture content via automatic watering using embedded technology. The methodology employed in this paper is solely based on the integration of both hardware and software components to design and implement an App-controlled irrigation system, which solely depends on the soil moisture content. Input to the system was derived from soil samples with the aid of a soi...

Time Series Analysis on Consumption of Electricity in Kwara State, A Case Study Of a NEPA District Office From 2001-2015

Time Series Analysis on Consumption of Electricity in Kwara State,  A Case Study Of a NEPA District Office From 2001-2015TABLE OF CONTENTCOVER PAGEAPPROVAL PAGEDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTTABLE OF CONTENT 1.1           INTRODUCTION 1.2           BACKGROUND AND ITS OPERATION 1.3           SIGNIFICANCE 1.4           SCOPE OF STUDY 1.5           AIMS AND OBJECTIVE 1.6           PROBLEMS AND LIMITATION OF STUDY 1.7           ...

Edu Frontiers 42 PAGES (10284 WORDS) Statistics Project
The Relationship Between Class Size and Secondary School Students Academic Performance in Geography in Abeokuta-South Local Government Area of Ogun State

ABSTRACT           The study found out the relationship between class size and academic performance of geography students in secondary school in Abeokuta – South Local Government Area of Ogun State. The study adopted a random sampling technique to select one hundred and twenty respondents in five secondary schools in each ward of the Local Government. Pearson correlation was used to test the hypothesis. The results showed that male and female teachers were similar in their opini...

Edu Frontiers 69 PAGES (9478 WORDS) Geography Seminar
Econometrics Analysis of Gross National Income on Consumption Expenditure of Federal Republic of Nigeria Between (2011)

Abstract This research work studies the gross national income on consumption expenditure of the federal republic of Nigeria from 1992 – 2011 It is aimed at fitting a prediction equation for gross national income over consumption expenditure, gross national income over time, to forecast the future national income and to test significant difference between government and private final consumption expenditures. To achieve these, the methods of analysis employed are regression and correlation a...

Design and Construction of a Variable Resistance Box

ABSTRACT In this project a resistance box has been constructed using locally available materials namely, 1/3 and plywood for the construction of the box, cupper wire, Ferro board, soldering iron, soldering lead, screw and resistors. The resistance obtainable from the box ranges from 2-11W. The box is fitted with terminal s to allow easy use in physics laboratory practical. At the end of the experiment, the values obtained are very close to those obtainable using imported box. TABLE OF CONTEN...

Edu Frontiers 37 PAGES (3887 WORDS) Physics Seminar
The Physics of the Earth and its Environment in Space

Geophysics is the physics of the Earth and its environment in space; also the study of the Earth using quantitative physical methods. The term geophysics sometimes refers only to the geological applications: Earth's shape; its gravitational and magnetic fields; its internal structure and composition; its dynamics and their surface expression in plate tectonics, the generation of magmas, volcanism and rock formation. (Bozorgnia, 2004). However, modern geophysics organizations use a broader def...

Bacteria and Fungi Involved in Yogurt Production

ABSTRACT Yogurt sold at different manufacturer, in Ilorin Kwara State was taken to the laboratory and examined, different bacteria and fungi were found in all the yoghurt tested using conventional methods. The implications of these micro organisms were discussed. 

Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites on Fruits Available in Post – Office Ilorin, Kwara – State, Nigeria

  ABSTRACT The study to determine the parasitological contamination of fruits was carried out in post office Ilorin, three different types of fruits were sampled and all were infected with helminths eggs. Using sedimentation analysis. This suggests the existence of a great risk of acquiring intestinal parasites by eating improperly washed fruits.

Enterprise Management for Computer Scientists

The continuous digitalization in the retail business is an interaction that has continued for a long time. Be that as it may, the flare-up of the original infection Covid-19 attached the digitalization interaction by constraining organizations to adjust to a required computerized working method in practically no time. This postulation intends to distinguish the impact of Covid-19 on the retail business' digitalization interaction as what it meant for the purchasers' choice to shop online vers...

Statistical Analysis of Motor Cycle Registration in Kwara State Between (2003-2011) (A Case Study of Central Motor Registry Under Board of Internal Revenue Ilorin)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Abstract CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1    Preamble 1.2    Significance 1.3    Aims and Objectives of the study 1.4    Scope of the study 1.5    Limitation of the study CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1    Literature Review 2.2    Role of central motor registry in generating Revenues of state government.  2.3    Sources of data CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1    Regressi...

Influence of Teachers’ Characteristics on Students’ Academic Performance in Biology in Selected Secondary Schools in Ilorin Metropolis

ABSTRACT Academic performance of students is the basis for achieving the general aims and objectives of education which is to provide integrated citizenry who will be useful to themselves and the society at large. In view of this, this study conducted an Influence of Teachers’ Characteristics on Students ‘Academic Performance in Biology in Selected Secondary Schools in Ilorin Metropolis. The descriptive research survey was adopted for the study. Simple random sampling technique was emp...

Reverse Engineering for Artificial Intelligence to Prevent Healthcare of Human Brain

Abstract The world's first artificial brain is known as the "Blue Brain." A virtual machine is a computer that can perform the functions of a nervous system with Artificial Intelligence. Reverse engineering is a popular method of simulating the human mind on a molecular basis. Therapy of cognitive impairment, academic interest in awareness and the human healthcare condition, a lower part method to creating thinking machines, and archives of all neuroscience research findings and associated pr...

2356 - 2370 Of 8880 Results