Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Statistical Analysis on the Production and Sale of Flour Between 2005-2010 (A Case Study of Dangote Flour Mill Plc Ilorin)

ABSTRACT  This research production and sales of flours in Dangote aimed to determine whether there exist a relationship between sales and production of flours and also to determine if there is increase in the sales and production. Regression analysis and product moment correlation coefficient were used to analyze the data. The results of the analysis revealed that there is perfect correlation between the sales and the production of Dangote flours and also regression analysis revealed that th...

Statistical Analysis of Insurance Operation in Kwara State (A Case Study of Gateway Insurance Company Plc Ilorin From 2004 To 2009)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page                                                                                              i Approval sheet                                                                                       ii Dedication                                       �...

Influence of Different Nitrogen Sources on Growth and Phb Production of Bacterial Isolates

ABSTRACT Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) are biodegradable materials, which are accumulated to store carbon and energy in various microorganisms.                                    Soil samples used for the study were collected from groundnut farm garden. The isolates were screened for PHB production using sudan III stain as well as submerged fermentation. Four (4) of the best PHB producing bacteria were selected for further study. A total of twenty one (21) bacte...

Time Series Analysis on Marriage Registration in Ilorin, Kwara State (2000-2011) (A Case Study of Marriage, Registry of Social Welfare, Ilorin)

ABSTRACT The study examined time series analysis on marriage registration in Ilorin, Kwara State between (2000 – 2011). The data used was collected from marriage registry, ministry of social welfare, Ilorin, Kwara State. Moving average, simple linear regression was used for the analysis. The result on trend value clearly show that, there is a steady decrease in the number of marriage from second half of the year 2002 up to January 2003, and from there, there was a shape increase in the numb...

A Statistical Analysis on Effect of Weeds Control on Maize Yield

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page                                                             Certification                                                          Dedication                                                             Acknowledgment                                                 i Preface                                     ...

Studies of Video Recording Techniques Entrepreneurship Vocational and Technical Educational as Aids to National Development

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page                                            i Certification                                        ii Dedication                                          iii Acknowledgment                                iv Table of contents                                v CHAPTER ONE:- INTRODUCTION TO...

Edu Frontiers 68 PAGES (7726 WORDS) Physics Seminar
Statistical Analysis on Pupils Enrolment in the Universal Basic Education: A Case Study of Ilorin East Local Government Area, Oke-Oyi Kwara State

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page                                                                                             i Certification                                                                                          ii Dedication                                      ...

Statistical Analysis of Vital Registration at National Population Commission (A Case Study of Ilorin South LGA)

ABSTRACT  The aim of this project is to study “The statistical analysis of vital registration at the national population commission Ilorin. Test of equal means chi-square and analysis of variance were used to analyze the data obtained. It was discovered that the birth rate is highly increasing every year and frequency of number registered. A test of equal means revealed that the average number of male births are same with the average number of female births registered while chi-square used...

Comparative Analysis of Amount of Premuim Paid and Claims Settled on Fire, Life and Motor Policies: A Case of Kwara Insurance Broker Limited, Kwara State

Abstract This project is on comparative analysis of amount of premium paid and claims settled on fire, motor and life policies in Kwara Insurance Broker’s Limited, Ilorin from 1996-2005 was aimed to analysis the trend of insurance in Nigeria as regards to the three policies mentioned above regression analysis and correlation was use to analyse the data. Sequences to the analysis carried out, it revealed that the amount of claims settled does not depend on the amount of premium paid. The lif...

Extraction of DNA in Tomatoes and Garden Eggs Fruits

ABSTRACT This project is basically concerned with the extraction of DNA in tomatoes and garden egg fruit. An experiment on how to extract DNA on tomatoes and garden egg, isolation on it to see what DNA actually look like as well as importance of DNA extraction are consid3ered in this project. TABLE OF CONTENT Title page ……………………………………………………… i. Certification……………………………………………………..ii Dedication………………...

Time Series Analysis on the Treatment of Some Common Diseases (A Case Study of Kwara State Polytechnnic Medical Centre, Ilorin)

ABSTRACT This study out to establish the current trend of most common ill-health among the students of kwara state polytechnic Ilorin as well as the student patronize the medical centre within a define time frame. the least square approach were employed which revealed the present of trend and season effect on the data basically to be able to forecast for the subsequent years TABLE OF CONTENT Title page Certification                                    �...

Student Industrial Work Experience Asnd Scheme (Siwes Report: Held at Acada Cafe and Customizing World, No 24, Opposite Mark Filling Station Along University Of Ilorin Road, Tanke Ilorin Kwar

TABLE OF CONTENTS Certification Dedication CHAPTER ONE 1.1      Introduction 1.2      Definition of Siwes 1.3      Aims and objective of  Siwes CHAPTER TWO 2.1      Operating system 2.2      Function of operating system 2.3      Types of operating system 2.4      Deferent  and similarities  between   window OS and  MS-DOS 2.4.1 Different 2.4.2 Similarities CHAPTER THREE 3.1      Introduction to computer networks 3.2      Advanta...

Evaluation of Power Density of Ray Emissions From Gsm Masts in Selected Locations of Ilorin Metropolis

ABSTRACT The evaluation of power density of ray emissions from GSM masts in selected locations within Ilorin metropolis were carried out. The measurements taken in each spot were done using Acoustimeter. The location that shows the highest peak measurement (5.12 ± 1.07) location H, which exceeded the international approved exposure limits which is 4.1mW/m2. This research shows that there are some areas within Ilorin metropolis where these GSM antennas are installed and is emitting high radi...

Influence of Instructional Materials on Students Academic Performance In Secondary Schools in Ilorin West Local Government

ABSTRACT The study examined the effect of instructional materials on student’s academic performance in geography in Ilorin West Local Government Area, Kwara State. Four secondary schools were selected from the local government for research purpose. Total of eight (8) teachers and thirty two (32) students were the sample used. The instrument used for the study was a structured questionnaire designed by the researcher. The data collected was analyzed using simple percentage and chi-square. ...

Edu Frontiers 23 PAGES (7844 WORDS) Geography Project
Sub-Chronic Effect of Co-Administration of Methformine and Amilodipine on Some Haematological Indices in Experimental Animal (Wistar Rats)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page                                                                                                                   i Declaration                                                                                                                 ii C...

2341 - 2355 Of 8880 Results